Thursday, June 7, 2007

blog concept map


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kidneuro said...

these type of graphical displays remind me of cognitive networks utilized in the brain. I like it believe that the research supports improvement in memory recall and main theme ideas, especially so in lower knowledge individuals (such as those taking a course in something for the first time). See O'Donnell et al, 2002).

I will be sure to plan them into my 1st day... at least introduce the larger concept so that it is familar later on in the course. in fact, I have an another idea related to concept maps.

For an related excerise, it might be interesting to have student design a 3-d "landscape" that illustrates the relationship between topics in the course. Such an encompassing structure, with a larger "global" form and function, may help considate related topics to an even great degree than concept maps with 2-d bubbles and lines. For the highly visual, or less language/ semantic amung us, a really cool picture or movie clip may help serve the same function??